Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September Flowers

I like the pink roses and I like the blue sky above them.

I like the grass and the purple flowers all bumbled together with the roses behind them.

I like the little purple flowers with the green and the white leaves.

I like the pink roses with the green leaves. Their are raindrops of the autumn rain the we had this year.

I am glad that we are growing vegetables in our garden. The first brussel sprouts that we are growing are almost done this year.

I like the Fairy roses on the bottom of the driveway because they are crammed in with some more roses and lots of other plants around them.

I like the silver bunny ears because they are very pretty with the rain drops that we had this year and with the roses above them.

I like the white flowers in with the pink flowers and purple flowers. I like the elephant ears above them.

 I like the elephant ears around the yard. The pink flowers are very pretty to me.

 I like the um... anemones because they are pinkish. And I like them with the green.

 I like the purple flowers around the shade path with the weeping cherry tree.

 I like the dahlias near the shade path with lots of green and white around them.

 I like the pink flowers with the purple and white ones and the sedum around.

 I like the Cherry corner around the bend of the path.

 I like the white flowers on the trellises.

 I like the pink and blur flowers by the bush.

 I like the pink flowers on the trellis.

 I like the blue flowers and the red in one group.

 I like the pink flowers.

 I like the white flowers in with the green leaves.

 I like the asters and the sedum and the green leaves.

 I like the red and white flowers by the tree.

 I like the sunshine shining on the grass and the red flowers.

I like the white flowers with the green bush.

 I like the sunshine shining on the tree and the green leaves.

 I like the white sedum by the tree.

 Mommy says this is called meadow rue. I like it because I like the blue sky and the tree.

 I like the hydrangeas by the fence.

 I like the little bird bath with the pretend birds on the side of it.

I like cute Bella because she is nice and soft and cute.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Roses in May

 The roses are pretty. I like when the sun shines on them.

 I like the white flowers with the blue geraniums next to them. And I also like the sun shine on them and the grass around them.

 I like the pink and purple flowers together and also with the Sedum. They are pretty.

 I like the flowers by the driveway. I love them.

 I love the foxgloves on the Shade Path.

 I like the foxgloves with the hosta leaves around them.

I like the purple flowers with the poppies. I love them.

 I like the white alliums near the yard because they are so pretty. I love them.

 I like the pink geraniums around the Circle lawn. And I also like when the sun shines on them.

 I like the buds on the trellis.

I like the chive flowers because they are pretty purple.

I like the roses near the house because they are pretty and the sun shines on them a lot.

 I love these roses!

 I like the blue geraniums around the allium. They are pretty and I love them.

 I like Bella. She is my favorite bunny. I love her and she is very cute.

 I love Bella when she washes her face. She is a cutie.
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